When you download Articulation Station Hive through the App Store and sign up for a Little Bee Hive subscription you will get a 14-day free trial. The subscription renews automatically if not canceled before the final 24 hours of the free trial period. If you don't cancel before that final 24 hour period you will be charged the price that you chose when you started your free trial.

If you are more than 24 hours from your free trial expiring you can cancel your subscription and you will not be charged at the end of the trial. You will continue to have access to the app until the trial period is over. You will need to resubscribe if you want to continue using the app.

For additional information on subscriptions through the App Store and how to manage your subscription click the links below.

How to change my subscriotion

Billing and subscripotions

School Districts and other organizations: Articulation Station Hive is available to download on Apple School Manager but uses in-app purchases for the subscription payment which are not supported in Apple School Manager. User licenses can be purchased directly through Little Bee Speech. For more information on purchasing click the link below:

If you have any questions please contact us at sales@littlebeespeech.com.