Little Bee Hive Group Pricing (Professional Tier)
1-24 licenses = $119.99 USD/yr. per license
25-74 licenses = $107.99 USD/yr. per license
75+ licenses = $95.99 USD/yr. per license

If you are a school district or group that uses a Mobile Device Management System (MDM) to download and manage apps you will need to purchase licenses directly through Little Bee Speech. You can do this with or without a PO.

To order licenses for your district or organization (this includes using a PO) click the appropriate order form link below:

Hive License Order Form (US only)

Hive License Order Form (Outside US)

If you have any questions on ordering or pricing please email us:


Little Bee Speech vendor set up and payment remittance info:

Little Bee Speech
724 South 1600 West
Suite 202
Mapleton, Utah

Download Little Bee Speech W9 form

Download the Little Bee Speech Sole Source Affidavit

A few things to note:

  1. If you need us to complete any additional vendor forms, email them to
  2. We can accept credit card payments (includes a 3% processing fee).
  3. Group license purchases are only available on the pro/yearly subscription tier.
  4. Group license purchases are not recurring. They must be renewed each year by contacting us directly at:



  1. Licenses will be issued directly to the lead contact of the district or clinic upon payment or receipt of a purchase order. 
  2. In the event of an SLP leaving the district or clinic we will gladly do a license transfer upon request.


Renewal Orders

If you are an existing district customer, you can submit your renewal order directly to

Please include the following:

  1. Name/email address for your accounts payable contact
  2. Name/email address for the special education administrator who oversees SLPs in your district or group.

We do not have a phone or fax number. We reply to all email inquiries within 24 business hours.

If you need us to complete any additional vendor forms, email them to

Please review the terms & conditions for district and other organizational contracts by clicking the link below:
Terms and Conditions


Other important information about ordering:

  1. Purchase orders can only be used for yearly subscriptions that will not auto-renew.
  2. Coupons and promo codes are not eligible for purchase order sales.
  3. We accept credit card payments. (includes a 3% processing fee).
  4. To view our privacy policy click here.
  5. If you have questions about privacy and security email us:

If you have any additional questions about ordering please email us: