You can share a student report or scores from a session with a parent or another SLP. You can do this in several ways like email, Airdrop, printing, etc... and it's really easy to do.

Step 1.
Open the scores screen, select the student and then select the session scores you would like to share


Step 2.
Tap the Share button


Step 3.
With this share sheet you have the option to share the scores in several different ways (Airdrop, Email, Print, Save, etc.). Tap the "More" button (3 dots) for additional sharing options.


Sharing via Email:
You can use Apple's Mail app or any other Mail app that you have installed. When you select the email client you'd like to use, an email window will pop up with a PDF of the session scores automatically attached. 

*Note: To use Apple's Mail app (as shown here) you will need to have your email connected to the Mail app in order to send scores and reports from within Articulation Station Hive and other Hive applications. Click HERE for instructions on how to connect your email with the Apple Mail app.


Editable Email:
This is an HTML email that you can edit within the email window.


*IMPORTANT* You must have your email connected through the Mail app in order to send Hive reports and scores via email. You can connect your Gmail or other email service to the Mail app.

Click the article link below for steps on how to connect your email using the Mail app.
How to Set up your Email Using the Apple Mail App